What to Wear to a Casino: Definitive Guide to a Stylish Casino Dress Code

When you see a casino in the movies, everyone is impeccably dressed in designer tuxes and gorgeous dresses. However, this is likely not what you will see when you visit a casino. Casino dress codes have become more and more relaxed over the years. 

When you’re planning a trip to a casino, it can be difficult to know what to wear to a casino. Do you need to dress up or can you be more casual? If you’re feeling completely lost when it comes to packing proper attire, here is a definitive guide to stylish casino dress code.


General Rules of Thumb

In general, it is always a good idea to visit the websites of the casinos you are planning to go to. Each casino has its own dress code. Depending on what you plan on doing while you’re there, different dress codes may apply.

But, there are some general rules about what to wear that you should follow. These will help to set you up for success no matter where you go. Some places may require you to be more formal, and we’ll discuss that more later, but these rules will save you from making any major faux pas.

  • Never wear flip flops
  • Avoid wearing sneakers
  • Don’t wear dirty, torn, or worn-out clothing
  • During the daytime, casinos are more casual than at night: once the sun sets, don’t wear shorts or t-shirts, wear a button-down and/or collared shirt for men, blouses and more formal tops for women
  • If you want access to lounges or nightclubs, the dress code may be different than the casino, so make sure to check first to avoid waiting in long lines only to be turned away
  • The more high-dollar a casino is, the nicer you should dress


Different Dress Codes and Their Meanings

What to Wear to a Casino

When you visit a casino’s website, you should be able to find the dress code required for the casino, tournaments, lounges, and exclusive tables. These dress codes have levels like “business casual” or “black tie optional.” Depending on the level, different clothing is required.

Here’s what to wear to a casino if their dress code level is…


White Tie

White tie is the highest level of formality. Think of a James Bond movie casino. You can also think of this as “Full Evening Dress.” This is not very common for casinos today. You typically only see this if the casino is holding a special event, like a high-dollar benefit.

For Men:

  • Fitted black dress coat with tails and trousers with a satin stripe
  • A white tux shirt with a bib front (stiff and starched)
  • Wing Collars
  • Shirt studs and cuff links
  • White vest and white bow tie
  • Black, patent leather shoes, like Oxfords

For Women:

  • Floor-length gowns and ballgowns
  • Elegant jewelry
  • Small purses, like a clutch bag
  • Optional: white gloves, fur wraps


Black Tie

What to Wear to a Casino

Black Tie is the next most formal level of the dress code. It is more common than the white tie, but still not very popular in casinos today. This dress code is typically reserved for evening events (starting after 6 pm) and for special events or VIP lounges.

For Men:

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  • A dinner jacket (a shorter jacket with no tails) and matching trousers
    • Typically black, but other colors are also accepted; usually rich colors like burgundy or navy blue
  • Botton-down collared shirt (typically white)
  • Tie or bow tie
  • Black formal shoes and black socks
  • Waistcoat/cummerbund optional


For Women:

  • Floor-length gowns are preferred, but tasteful and elegant cocktail dresses can also be appropriate
  • Well-cut pantsuits are another good option
  • Evening shoes with a heel
  • Go for more classic silhouettes and designs, less trendy
  • Stick with dark or rich colors
  • Take a less-is-more mentality with accessories: keep it simple, clean, and elegant


Black Tie Optional

What to Wear to a Casino

When it comes to Black Tie Optional dress codes, it basically means that you should dress as formal as you can, all the way up to Black Tie level. If you don’t own a suit, it’s acceptable to do a button-down shirt with a tie, trousers, and formal leather shoes. In the descriptions for this dress code, we’ll just discuss the things that set Black Tie Optional apart from Black Tie.


For Men:

  • A larger variety of dark-colored suits are acceptable
  • A white dress shirt with a tie is okay, no jacket or vest needed


For Women:

  • There is little difference in these requirements from the Black Tie dress code. The only difference is that cocktail dresses are more widely accepted provided that the hemline is not too short.
  • Stick to rich or neutral colors: black, white, metallic, burgundy, red, navy blue



What to Wear to a Casino

Semiformal is a little bit more clear than Black Tie Optional. There are also a lot more options so it’ll be easier to pack for this category of the dress code. This is usually reserved for nice events before noon because daytime attire, in general, is less formal. This is not typical for a casino’s everyday dress code policy.


For Men:

  • Ditch the tux and pick a less formal suit like one made from wool or cashmere
  • Feel free to skip the tie
  • Wear trousers, khakis and jeans are not appropriate
  • Choose a collared and/or button-down shirt, polos and t-shirts are still too casual


For Women:

  • Shorter dresses and cocktail dresses, especially your trusty Little Black Dress
  • An elegant, long skirt with a nice blouse or other classy separates
  • Consider a wider range of shoes: heels, strappy sandals, or flats
  • Stick with dark colors for the evening and choose a lighter color for the day


Business Formal

What to Wear to a Casino

Business Formal covers the kind of clothing that you would wear into an office job. This is a safe bet for any casino you go to if you don’t know the dress code. You may be able to squeak by for more formal requirements but you won’t look overdressed if it’s a more casual atmosphere. Business Formal is also comfortable enough that you won’t mind spending the evening in it.


For Men:

  • For men, business attire and semiformal attire are pretty much the same thing.
  • Dark suits with light-colored button-down shirts
  • Ties are optional
  • Leather shoes


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For Women:

  • Pencil skirts or other similarly conservative-length skirts with stockings or hose
  • Slacks (not too tight)
  • Blouses
  • Blazers and jackets
  • Understated jewelry


Business Casual

What to Wear to a Casino

Business Casual is what most of us are used to. This is how you would dress for white-collar office jobs or holiday parties, for instance. This is when you want to look nice but don’t want to look like you’ve tried too hard. This is another good option for what to wear to a casino on a normal day. 


For Men:

  • Sports coat or blazer
  • Slacks or khakis
  • Button-down, collared, and polo shirts are all appropriate
  • A tie is not usually worn but can work in a business casual situation
  • Loafers


For Women:

  • Skirts, pants, and khakis are appropriate
  • No stockings or hose are needed
  • Collared shirts, blouses, and sweaters 
  • No cleavage or revealing clothing
  • Shoulders should be covered by sweaters or jackets



What to Wear to a Casino

We’ve finally reached the lowest level of formality in the dress code. Casual clothes are your everyday wear (provided that your everyday wear isn’t ripped t-shirts and sweatpants). Despite being the lowest level, “Casual” does not mean that you slap on any old thing in your closet. You still want to look nice. Think of casual wear as the outfit you’d wear on a first date.


For Men:

  • No ties
  • No suits
  • All colors and patterns are good
  • Plain t-shirts* and jeans
  • Shorts during the day only


For Women:

  • Sundresses, skirts, khakis, or jeans
  • Shorts are only acceptable during the day
  • Plain t-shirts* and less formal blouses

*some casinos have a hard “no t-shirts” rule, but many will allow any casual wear


Casinos with Known Dress Codes

What to Wear to a Casino

If you already know that you’re going to visit one of these casinos, check out these guidelines for appropriate attire. They will help you figure out what to wear to the casino so that you can fit in and not be turned away at the door.


Casino Monte-Carlo

Despite its reputation as an upscale casino, the entirety of the dress code for the main casino is: no shorts and no flip-flops. However, if you plan on visiting private rooms or VIP rooms, the Monte-Carlo has a more strict dress code. 

In these rooms, follow the Business Formal guidelines. Men, wear a jacket,  nice dress shoes or loafers, and tie in the evening. Women, wear a nice blouse with slacks/a skirt or a dress. If it’s after 8 pm, men are expected to wear a coat and tie at all times.


Venetian Macao

The Venetian Macao is the world’s largest casino. The Venetian is strict about a few things in particular: no sunglasses, no hats, and shorts at any time of day. As such, you should also keep footwear more formal: no flip-flops or sneakers.

At the Venetian Macao, follow the guidelines for Business Casual and above. Khakis and collared shirts, even polo shirts, are acceptable. In the evening, it may be wise to opt for something a little bit more formal, like trousers and a button-down shirt. Women can follow these same guidelines but can also wear classy dresses and skirts of an appropriate length.


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Casino Baden-Baden

Depending on what games you plan on playing at the Casino Baden-Baden, dress code requirements are different.


If you plan on playing classic games or table games, like poker, blackjack, roulette, men will need a jacket and tie, women should dress tastefully but not extravagantly. Consider it somewhere between Black Tie Optional and Business Formal. Ties are required, but you can wear some color and express yourself. Women should wear dresses, skirts, or well-cut suits with evening shoes.

If you don’t bring a jacket and tie with you, you can always rent one from the casino. 


Borgata Atlantic City

The Borgata does not enforce a strict dress code in the casino, but they certainly encourage nice attire. When it comes to in-casino features like restaurants, the dress code is more strict: no jeans and no sneakers.

If you stick with that dress code rule on the casino floor too, you will receive better service and fit in more easily. The Borgata ranks between Business Formal and Business Casual. So slacks, button-down shirts, appropriately lengthed skirts, loafers, heels are all appropriate options. 

If you aren’t able to dress according to these guidelines, consider visiting the Borgata in the morning or early in the day when things are more informal.


ARIA Casino

ARIA is a higher-end resort and casino in Las Vegas. There are no official rules for the casino floor, but flip-flops are discouraged. If you plan on visiting a restaurant, men are required to wear coats but not ties. To match, women should wear a cocktail dress or a nice blouse with slacks or a skirt.

To ensure that you have the full experience available to you, it is advised that you follow business formal guidelines. That way, if you decide to eat at one of the restaurants or see a show, you know you won’t be turned away.


The Ritz Club

The Ritz is synonymous with luxury. The Ritz Club is in the old ballroom of The Ritz London and is only available to members. Because of its reputation and exclusivity, The Ritz Club is more formal than a lot of other casinos when it comes to dress code.

To dress appropriately, follow the guidelines for Semiformal or Business Formal. Men are required to wear a jacket with a collared shirt. Sneakers are absolutely prohibited. Women should wear cocktail dresses, a blouse and slacks, or an elegant skirt.



What to wear to a casino all depends on the casino you’re visiting, the time of day that you’ll be there, and the type of experience you’re planning to have. Any time you plan to visit private rooms or VIP lounges, expect to meet the requirements of a more formal dress code. Otherwise, casinos typically allow their visitors to wear anything as long as they aren’t in dirty, worn clothes or flipflops.