5 Things You Should Know About the Legalization of Online Gambling in Pennsylvania

Online gambling was legalized in Pennsylvania last year which was big news to the ears of those who prefer the online world. That is to say, casinos were legalized in the state way back in 2004 but this legislation did not include online gambling. It’s true, the House passed legislation on 30th October 2017 which legalized gambling online in Pennsylvania. For this reason, state residents can take peace of mind when it comes to betting online while enjoying the convenience of online casinos.

But what else should you know about this legalization?

Let’s take a look at some things you should know about online gambling in Pennsylvania:


1) Online Gambling is Growing Incredibly Fast in PA

gambling online PA

Firstly, is online gambling legal in PA? Yes, as already mentioned, gambling in Pennsylvania has been legal for almost twenty years. Aside from casinos, this gambling includes horse racing, bingo, and the state lottery. With this in mind, gambling is generating an incredible revenue for the state which continues to rise due to these new laws. In fact, the only state with more in terms of commercial casino revenue is Nevada – the shiny home of Las Vegas. After all, there are now more than fourteen slot parlors in the keystone state and even more race tracks that focus on horse racing. But more on that revenue in a moment.

For this reason, the industry is growing at an exponential rate with more than ten land-based casinos awarded a license online in just a few months. What’s more, PA is home to some of the most profitable casinos and even MGM Grand Resorts are thinking about setting up in the area which can only mean more revenue…

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2) More About Sports Betting Online and Casino Online Bets in PA

sports betting online PA

Whether it comes to college basketball, the NBA, or NHL season, online gambling caters to pretty much any sport in Pennsylvania. Just recently, the Pennsylvania Control Gaming Board (PCGB) even announced $19.5 million in revenue for the month of February alone. With this in mind, several land-based casinos have closed recently due to the virus situation, which can only heighten the demand for online gambling in the state.


3) Legislation Means that More and More People Play from Home

gambling legislation PA

Unlike previous decades, the gambling industry no longer depends on actual footfall. In other words, land-based casinos are not the only option and the online industry is benefiting. More specifically, this also suggests that more and more players find online gambling more convenient. And as if that’s not enough, there is often more variety in terms of card games and slots in online casinos.

4) Online Gambling in PA Accounted for $118 million in Revenue in 2021

mobile betting PA

As you may know, last year an online gambling company made a deal with the state of Pennsylvania. It turns out, that company was also in the midst of controversy as it expanded operations across the United States. However, gambling online involves big money and the deal went ahead. Since then, Pennsylvania continues to reap the rewards of sport betting and online gambling. Last year the state also achieved record-high revenues which were largely due to the new state laws that were passed in recent years. As for specific numbers, the revenue for online gambling accounted for more than $118 million of the $3.4 billion gaming revenue in the state.

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5) Know How to Choose the Best Online Casino in Pennsylvania

betting online in PA

In terms of choosing the best online casino, you need to consider more than just a few factors. After all, it’s great to find a lineup of fun games but what happens when your credit card details are stolen due to insufficient security?

You see, Pennsylvania casinos deal with an immense number of transactions. For this reason, these online casinos become targets for cyber hackers that can expose any cracks in security. But how might you avoid this from happening in the first place?

Check Payment Methods – You should also check the payment methods on an online casino and ensure these methods are trusted vendors such as Visa, MasterCard etc.

Customer Support – Customer service might not seem like a big deal but when you need answers, this is often the only place you can find them. Sending a quick email to this department is always a good way to check what you can expect in the future.

Payout Ratio – While not every online casino will disclose its payout ratio, you can often find this on the website. Simply put, this ratio will tell you how often the online casino will payout in the context of the overall number of online gamblers.

Licensing and Ownership – It only takes a moment to ensure an online casino is properly licensed and this is one thing that you absolutely need to ensure before playing.

Trust and Reliability – Online casino reviews are always the best place to start when it comes to choosing the best online casino. After all, these websites are unlikely to tell you anything bad, while online reviews are independent and cover most aspects you need to consider.

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Needless to say, these are just a few factors to consider when choosing the best online casino, but they are necessary for the sake of protecting against theft/fraud and complying with any legislation around online gambling in Pennsylvania.

One Last Thing – Make the Most of Free Play

Just so you know, most online casinos offer free play which is essentially a free trial for new players. Now, you will need to sign up and deposit money to withdraw any winnings from free play but let’s face it, there is literally nothing to lose by sampling this play. As if that’s not enough, this is extra time to practice your skills or learn how to play games before risking any of your own money on them. If only Brett Kavanagh took this advice!

Either way, online gambling in Pennsylvania is thriving and open for business!